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Text File | 1997-12-18 | 40.9 KB | 761 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ===========================================================================
- ===========================================================================
- Welcome to the Alpha LaTeX macros, a package designed to simplify the
- input and processing of LaTeX documents. This is the "LaTeX Help"
- file available from the System help menu (under the question mark).
- To navigate this file quickly, activate the window's mark menu by
- pressing the 'M' icon on the toolbar at the right.
- This help file is an Alpha hypertext document. On a color monitor,
- links are colored green and underlined. (On a monochrome monitor,
- they are just underlined.) Click on a link to jump to another part of
- the document or open another help file. Press <Ctl .> to return the
- cursor to its previous position. Note: Some links are URLs to
- documents on the World Wide Web, which require an Internet connection.
- These links are surrounded by angle brackets < > below.
- This is the help file for latex.tcl 4.1 (compatible with LaTeX 2e).
- There are a number of available Alpha packages which enhance the
- use of LaTeX mode: latexSizes, bibConvert, bibEngine, and Vince's
- Additions. You may wish to download and test some of these to
- see whether you'd find them useful.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following Alpha LaTeX help documents are available:
- • User's Guide: an introduction to the Alpha LaTeX macros
- • LaTeX Menus: commands and bindings (organized by menu)
- • LaTeX Key Bindings: commands and bindings (organized by command key)
- Clicking on one of these links opens a .tex file and inserts the LaTeX
- menu into your menubar. To typeset the document, pull down the LaTeX
- menu and choose the 'typeset' command on the Typeset submenu (or press
- <Cmd T>). Choose the 'view' or 'print' command on the Typeset submenu
- to view or print the document (or press <Shf Cmd V> or <Shf Cmd P>),
- respectively.
- The User's Guide has been converted to HTML (with LaTeX2HTML) and is
- included with the full version of Alpha:
- • User's Guide: an introduction to the Alpha LaTeX macros
- Click on the above link to open the corresponding .html file and
- insert the HTML menu into your menubar. To view the document in your
- browser, pull down the HTML menu and choose the 'Send file to browser'
- command (or press <Shf Cmd S>).
- AlphaLite users may obtain the HTML version of the User's Guide by
- downloading an archive from the Web:
- <http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/trscavo/Alpha/latex_docs.sit.hqx>
- After this file is downloaded and unpacked, move the "LaTeX" folder
- from the archive into the same folder as the Alpha application,
- replacing the incomplete "LaTeX" folder that's already there.
- The latest version of the HTML User's Guide is also online at URL
- <http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/trscavo/Alpha/docs/latex_guide/>
- Also, if you have a moment, please visit my LaTeX Web page:
- An Introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX
- <http://web.syr.edu/~trscavo/latex.html>
- Happy LaTeXing!
- Cheers,
- Tom Scavo
- <mailto:trscavo@syr.edu>
- <http://web.syr.edu/~trscavo/>
- ===========================================================================
- ===========================================================================
- Changes in Version 4.1
- Here's brief documentation on new features:
- You can use menu::insert to add items to pretty much all of the latex
- menu. For instance if you've defined a new format, you can add that
- to the menu with 'menu::insert Format items end Vince-Article' (say).
- See general Alpha documentation for more details on that command.
- You'll have to scan through the file 'latexMenu.tcl' to find the name
- of the menu to which you want to add something.
- You may want the latexSizes package (available separately)
- You may want to try electricCompletions (try the completions tutorial
- for latex mode).
- • latexSizes package a little better.
- • smart-Paste now works for TeX mode.
- • nicer handling of TeXinBackground flag -- the typeset menu changes
- to reflect the value of the flag.
- • bug fixes in latexComm.tcl
- • menus rewritten to allow user additions using Alpha's new
- 'menu::insert' commands.
- • Vince Darley <darley@fas.harvard.edu> has taken over maintenance
- of LaTeX mode.
- • Better support for elec-Completions
- • Format menu works
- • Simplified quite a few things
- • LateX Help menu item works again
- • Renamed *AppSig to *AppSign so there's no conflict with 'Helpers'
- • LaTeX menu icon switching now handled by Alpha.
- • Textures code only registered if we use textures.
- • requires Alpha 7.0fc1p2
- • smartScripts now use a pref-binding so international users can use
- them more easily.
- •
- Changes in Version 4.0
- • Updated for Alpha 7.0. Old versions will not work.
- Changes in Version 3.3
- • AMS-LaTeX is here! Check the "AMS-LaTeX" menu item on the
- "LaTeX Utilities" submenu.
- • Added the command 'chooseEnvironment' (bound to <Shf Cmd E>) to
- the "Environments" and "Math Environments" submenus. This
- command is a convenient keyboard-bound method of inserting LaTeX
- environments. The 'general' command, previously bound to <Opt
- F12>, is gone.
- • Added the identifiers "fig:", "tbl:", and "eq:" to the \label
- commands generated inside figure, table, and equation
- environments, respectively. Also added the "eq:" identifier to
- the eqnarray environment.
- • Made improvements to the sectioning commands on the Sectioning
- submenu. In particular, the \part and \chapter commands include
- \thispagestyle{empty} by default.
- • Added the starred equivalents of all the sectioning commands.
- With the Sectioning submenu down, press the <Opt> key to access
- these new commands.
- • Fixed a bug in 'typeset' so that it now recognizes a window
- with a funny title like "foo.tex <2>".
- • Added a "Text Commands" submenu with many new commands.
- • Removed 'ellipsis', 'em-dash', and 'en-dash' from the
- Miscellaneous submenu. The latter two commands are now on the
- "Text Commands" submenu.
- • Replaced the 'ß' command on the International submenu with
- the 'ss' and 'SS' commands, which insert the LaTeX commands \ss
- and \SS, respectively, at the insertion point.
- • Changed the name of 'isDocumentSelected' (in latexEngine.tcl)
- to 'isSelectionAll', so that it corresponds with 'isSelection'
- in procs.tcl.
- • Moved the procs 'latex', 'bibtex', and 'makeindex' from
- latexMacros.tcl to latexComm.tcl.
- • Created a new file called latexUtilities.tcl, which is sourced
- on demand. Moved the procs 'deleteTabStops', 'deleteComments',
- 'convertQuotes', and 'convertDollarSigns' from latexMacros.tcl
- to latexUtilities.tcl.
- • Added the commands "Convert Accents to LaTeX" and "Convert
- LaTeX to Accents" to the LaTeX Utilities submenu. The
- corresponding code (in latexUtilities.tcl) was written by
- F. Miguel Dionísio <fmd@math.ist.utl.pt>.
- • Created a new file called latexNavigation.tcl, which is
- sourced on demand. Moved many of the procs on the Goto submenu
- from latexMacros.tcl to latexNavigation.tcl.
- • The file latexSmart.tcl is now sourced on demand.
- • Added the command 'deleteProc' to latexEngine.tcl, which does
- the obvious thing.
- • Updated the LaTeX documentation.
- Changes in Version 3.2t
- • Added a new Textures' interface, specifically designed for
- Textures version 1.8. The primary advantage of Textures over the
- other TeX implementations is the capability of multiple windows,
- which Alpha now supports.
- • Added non-functional menu filters to the Text Size, International,
- and Arrows submenus, which appears to fix some problems. (I have no
- idea why this works!) Thanks to Johan Linde <jl@theophys.kth.se> for
- the suggestion.
- • Fixed the 'll' command on the Relations submenu.
- • Fixed a bug that prevented users from specifying the "latexMenu"
- in Config:Global:Menus.
- • Added a "LaTeX Help" command to the LaTeX menu. This command
- does the same thing as choosing "LaTeX Help" from the System help
- menu (under the question mark).
- • Updated the LaTeX documentation.
- Changes in Version 3.2
- • Rewrote and reorganized the Alpha LaTeX documentation. The primary
- help file is now distributed as both a LaTeX file and an HTML file
- (generated by latex2html). See the "LaTeX Help" document on the
- System help menu (under the question mark) for a summary.
- • Totally rewrote latexMenu.tcl so that it's more modular. Users may
- now easily modify the LaTeX menu. (See the "Installation" section
- in the new User's Guide.)
- • Implemented Chris Higgins' <C.Higgins@cit.gu.edu.au> version of
- latexProjects.tcl. Later implemented Vince Darley's
- <vince@das.harvard.edu> more powerful version of latexProjects.tcl.
- In the end, however, Vince incorporated LaTeX projects directly into
- the Fileset menu.
- • Put 'typeset' on a dynamic submenu called Typeset. The 'typeset'
- command (bound to <Cmd T>) now displays the name of the file to be
- typeset. If the current file can not be typeset (e.g., if it's a .log
- file or an .aux file) or if there are no open windows, the user is
- asked to locate a file to be typeset.
- • Modified 'typesetSelection' so that it resolves top-level input
- files. In other words, there's a high probability that the current
- selection will be typeset by the TeX app without error or warning.
- Thanks to Pierre Basso <Pierre.Basso@lim.univ-mrs.fr> for bug reports
- and advice.
- • Added a 'typesetClipboard' command to the Typeset submenu, bound
- to <Shf Cmd T>. The contents of the clipboard are sent to the TeX
- application in a plain vanilla LaTeX wrapper.
- • Added 'viewDVI' and 'printDVI' to the Typeset submenu, bound to <Shf
- Cmd V> and <Shf Cmd P>, respectively. Also added 'dvips', 'viewPS',
- and 'printPS' to the Typeset submenu. All commands display the name
- of the file to be processed.
- • Added 'bibtex' and 'makeindex' to the Typeset submenu. All known
- BibTeX and MakeIndex apps are supported.
- • Any LaTeX auxiliary file (.log, .aux, etc.) may be opened and
- displayed. While the Typeset submenu is down, press the option key
- to see various 'open' commands. Other such commands are found on
- the "Other Files" submenu on the Typeset submenu, including a
- command that lets you open any file in the current directory (bound
- to <Shf Cmd O>).
- • Relocated the 'removeAuxiliaryFiles' command from the LaTeX Utilities
- submenu to the new Typeset submenu.
- • Alpha LaTeX now writes all temporary files to "$PREFS:tmp:", which
- makes them easier to remove. All temporary files are removed once,
- at launch; however, the new command 'removeTemporaryFiles' on the
- Typeset submenu removes all temporary files immediately.
- • The short menu is now installed by default. Remove the tick on
- "Short LaTeX Menu" (a checkable menu item) on the "LaTeX Utilities"
- submenu to install the long menu.
- • Alpha now launches applications by signature, not name. This
- means you can freely change the names of your TeX-related apps, so
- long as the applications themselves don't mind. :-) Application
- signatures may be viewed and removed with the 'viewSavedSetting' and
- 'removeSavedSetting' commands on the Config menu.
- • Every time 'texSig' is altered (either by choosing the command
- 'removeSavedSetting' on the Config menu or opening a new TeX app),
- the LaTeX menu is rebuilt and the corresponding small icon is
- inserted into Alpha's menu bar. For most users, this will be a
- one-time operation.
- • Alpha's TeX mode search path (used when cmd-dbl-clicking the
- arguments of \input and \include commands, for instance) has been
- extended to *two* levels of subfolders. First, the current directory
- is searched, then 'TeXInputs' (a global variable optionally set with
- the 'appPaths' command on the Config menu) and finally any TeX-inputs
- folder recognized by your TeX app. The search path is generated the
- first time it's needed (rather than on-the-fly) and thereafter when
- the values 'texSig' or 'TeXInputs' are changed (i.e., not very often).
- • The proc 'buildSubMenu' in DblClickAux.tcl has been modified
- to accomodate its use in latexMenu.tcl. (See below for a
- description of the new 'packages' submenu.)
- • Redesigned the Documents submenu. Choosing "New Document" (or
- pressing <Shf Cmd N>) brings up a dialog with a pop-up menu of
- standard document types. This command creates a new TeX window,
- inserts a document of the requested type, and automatically runs
- the 'options' command (which is still on the Documents submenu).
- The old commands 'article', 'letter', etc. will be found on the
- "Insert Document" subsubmenu. Each such command behaves as it did
- before, that is, it inserts a document template into an empty window
- or wraps the entire contents of the current window.
- • Modified the 'usepackage' command (bound to <Ctl Opt U>) on the
- Documents submenu so that it inserts "\usepackage" immediately after
- the \documentclass command regardless of the current location of the
- insertion point.
- • Added 'filecontentsAll' to the Documents submenu, which creates a
- single, self-contained LaTeX document (for file transfer, say) from
- the current document.
- • Added a flag called 'buildPkgsSubmenu', which is turned off by
- default. Check this flag in the 'currentMode:flags' dialog on the
- Config menu to enable the Packages submenu (see below).
- • The Packages submenu contains a list of all packages known to the
- TeX app. Choosing one of these packages inserts the corresponding
- \usepackage command into the preamble of the current document. To
- build this submenu, enable the flag 'buildPkgsSubmenu' as described
- above, and then choose the 'rebuildDocumentsSubmenu' command on the
- Documents submenu.
- • SmartScripts are temporarily turned off when the cursor is inside
- the required argument of any LaTeX command taking a filename as input
- (e.g., \input, \include, \usepackage, \documentclass, etc.). Vince
- Darley <vince@das.harvard.edu> provided the essential ingredient for
- this new feature.
- • The commands 'latex', 'bibtex', and 'makeindex' on the Goto
- submenu recognize additional TeX-related applications.
- • Added 'writeFile' (complementary to 'readFile') to DblClickAux.tcl.
- • Improved the DirectTeX Pro interface courtesy of Ivan Alves
- <ivan.alves@ci.educ.lu>.
- • Added the general-purpose procs 'buildStructure', 'insertStructure',
- 'wrapStructure', and 'doWrapStructure' to latexEngine.tcl. (Tcl
- programmers take note!)
- • Added the flag 'useBrackets', set to false, by default. If set
- to true, "\[...\]" will be used in multi-line math displays instead
- of "\begin{displaymath}...\end{displaymath}".
- • The body of a table or figure environment now begins with a
- \centering command (not \centerline).
- • Multi-line delimiters have finally arrived! With the Delimiters
- submenu down, press the <Opt> key to see the possibilities.
- • Added 'overrightarrow' and 'overleftarrow' to the Grouping submenu.
- • Fixed a bug in 'gotoTabStop', a proc in latexMacros.tcl used by
- 'nextTabStop' and 'prevTabStop'.
- • Changed the command key for the 'chooseCommand' command on the
- LaTeX Utilities submenu from <Shf Cmd T> to <Shf Cmd C>. (Sorry,
- Pete!)
- • Changed the name of the TeX mode variable 'boxMacroName' to
- 'boxMacroNames'. The latter now takes a *list* of macro names, which
- is set to "includegraphics includegraphics*" by default.
- • The TeX mode flag 'useBoxMacro' is gone. When inserting a figure
- environment, the user is asked to choose one of the box macros stored
- in 'boxMacroNames'. If the choice is left blank, the current
- selection (if there is one) is wrapped inside the figure environment.
- Changes in Version 3.1
- • Pete added Vince Darley's excellent fill routines to Alpha proper.
- LaTeX users, in particular, will notice big improvements when filling
- paragraphs and regions in TeX mode.
- • Implemented a shortened version of the LaTeX menu, which may be
- installed by checking 'shortLaTeXMenu' on the LaTeX Utilities submenu.
- • Fixed some bugs in 'chooseCommand' and generalized it so that other
- modes could use it as well. Changed its command key from <Opt Cmd T>
- to <Shf Cmd T> to accomodate the new 'typesetSelection' command
- described below.
- • Added a new command called 'typesetSelection' <Opt Cmd T>, which
- typesets any selection (i.e., region) within the document environment.
- To see this new command, pull down the main menu, and with the cursor on
- the 'typeset' command, press the <Opt> key.
- • The LaTeX utility 'removeAuxiliaryFiles' now searches for ALL auxiliary
- files in the current directory, regardless of the base filename. Two
- buttons were also added to the dialog: the command "rm ext" removes all
- files with the same extension as the file displayed in the dialog, and
- "rm all" removes all auxiliary files from the current directory without
- prompting.
- • Tightened the input validation routines used in 'nthTabStop',
- 'enumerate', 'itemize', 'description', 'thebibliography', 'tabular',
- 'eqnarrayStar', 'eqnarray', and 'myArray'. [Note: Tcl programmers
- will want to look at the generally useful routines 'isInteger',
- 'isUnsignedInteger', and 'isPositiveInteger' in latexEngine.tcl.]
- • Fixed a bug in the automatic typesetting routines that prevented
- Alpha from finding the PPC version of Textures.
- • Improved the communication between Alpha and DirectTeX Pro.
- (Thanks to Alun Carr <ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie> and Ivan Alves
- <alves@econ.ubc.ca> for this modification.)
- • 'TeXMarkFile' now marks \input and \include files (thanks to Vince
- Darley). To mark a file, choose "Mark File" on the mark menu on the
- tool bar at the right of each window.
- • The keybindings for '(la)texMath' and '(la)texDisplaymath' on the
- Math Modes submenu have been changed to <Ctl Cmd M> and <Ctl Opt Cmd
- M>, respectively, primarily for compatibility with international
- keyboards. The old keybindings <Ctl Cmd 4> and <Ctl Opt Cmd 4> are
- still available, however.
- • The 'insertReference' command (formerly on the LaTeX Utilities
- submenu) has been removed to make way for Vince Darley's new
- improved 'ref' and 'pageref' commands (see below).
- • To use Vince Darley's new reference completion facility: press
- <Ctl Opt X> or <Ctl Opt P> to insert a \ref or \pageref command,
- respectively. The inserted command will contain the argument of the
- nearest \label command. Continue pressing <Ctl Opt X> or <Ctl Opt P>
- to cycle through all the \label commands in your document.
- • Fixed a serious bug with 'useBoxMacro' and 'boxMacroName'. (See
- the "LaTeX Help" file for descriptions of these TeX variables.)
- • Updated and polished the Alpha LaTeX document latex_macros.tex
- (commands organized by menu) and created a new latex_bindings.tex
- (commands organized by command key), both of which are found in
- Alpha's LaTeX folder.
- • The commands 'oneParameter' <Ctl Cmd 1> and 'twoParameters'
- <Ctl Cmd 2> no longer bring up a dialog (which just gets in the way).
- If there is a selection, these commands now wrap that selection.
- • All the commands on the Text Style submenu now have command keys,
- namely, <Ctl Opt 1>, <Ctl Opt 2>, etc., through <Ctl Opt 0>.
- • Each of the commands 'lim', 'inf', 'sup', 'liminf', 'limsup',
- 'min', and 'max', now inserts a subscript automatically. For
- example, the 'lim' command (now bound to <Ctl Cmd L>) inserts
- the string "\lim_{•}". After insertion, press the <Del> key twice
- to get rid of this subscript, if desired.
- • Changed the name of 'custom' to 'generic' on the Documents
- submenu, and assigned it the command key <Ctl Opt D>.
- • Added 'usepackage' to the Documents submenu, bound to <Ctl Opt U>.
- • Added 'verb' to the Miscellaneous submenu, bound to <Ctl Opt V>.
- • Bound 'underbrace' and 'overbrace' to <Ctl Opt Cmd U> and
- <Ctl Opt Cmd O>, respectively.
- • Added the declarative counterparts to each of the Text Style
- commands. These can be seen by pulling down the Text Style submenu
- and pressing the <Shf> key.
- • Added 'nocite' <Shf Ctl Opt C> to the Miscellaneous submenu.
- Changes in Version 3.0
- • Designed and implemented a totally new set of key bindings. This
- was necessary because the old LaTeX bindings conflicted with Alpha's
- new key bindings and many international keyboards.
- • The LaTeX menu now displays key bindings, whenever possible.
- • Fixed a bug in "latexSmart.tcl" (formerly "smart.tcl") which prevented
- a user from typing a literal double quote (\").
- • Added a 'smartQuotes' flag to the default list of flags on the "check"
- pop-up menu, so that users could turn off this feature on demand.
- • Added 'convertQuotes' to the LaTeX Utilities submenu. If there
- is a selection, 'convertQuotes' converts all straight quotes to
- curved quotes (LaTeX-style) within the selection; otherwise, it
- processes the entire window.
- • Added a "smart dots" feature so that three consecutive dots (...)
- are automatically replaced with \ldots. This can be turned off with
- the 'smartDots' flag on the "check" pop-up menu.
- • Smart quotes and dots can be escaped on-the-fly by pressing the
- <Delete> key. For example, with 'smartQuotes' enabled, type a double
- quote at the keyboard. Unless preceded with a backslash, this double
- quote will automatically be replaced by a pair of curved single quotes
- (LaTeX-style). Pressing the <Delete> key will bring the original double
- quote back.
- • Added a 'smartScripts' flag to the "check" pop-up menu. Enabled by
- default, this feature binds the <_> and <^> keys to 'formulas:subscript'
- and 'formulas:superscript', respectively. As with smart quotes and dots,
- smart scripts may be escaped on-the-fly by pressing the <Delete> key.
- • Fixed a bug that inserted an extra blank line between the rows of
- an array environment.
- • Repaired the note environment.
- • Added DirectTeX Pro and Euro-OzTeX to the list of supported TeX
- implementations. (Thanks to Alun Carr and Michel Moreaux for the
- patches.)
- • The proc 'typeset' now processes an untitled or unsaved TeX window
- by first asking the user if the window should be saved. If the answer
- is "no", then 'typeset' goes ahead and passes the contents of the window
- to the LaTeX application anyway, which is very handy for on-the-fly
- testing and debugging. Temporary files are stored in $PREFS and cleaned
- up the next time Alpha launches.
- • Added the flag 'runTeXInBackground' to the "check" pop-up menu. Tick
- this option if you want to 'typeset' your LaTeX documents in the
- background.
- • Added 'fillColumn' and 'leftFillColumn' to the default list of
- TeX mode variables available on the "check" pop-up menu.
- • The 'useDollarSigns' flag works again!
- • Fixed numerous bugs in the proc 'convertDollarSigns'.
- • This version of latex.tcl completely takes over the numeric keypad
- (except for the clear/numLock key, which now toggles the keypad in
- any mode).
- • Added many new navigation commands to the Goto submenu: 'prevCommand'
- <Kpad4>; 'nextCommand' <Kpad6>; 'prevCommandSelect' <Shf Kpad4>;
- 'nextCommandSelect' <Shf Kpad6>; 'prevEnvironment' <Cmd Kpad4>;
- 'nextEnvironment' <Cmd Kpad6>; 'prevEnvironmentSelect'
- <Shf Cmd Kpad4>; and 'nextEnvironmentSelect' <Shf Cmd Kpad6>.
- Also added two additional commands on an experimental basis:
- 'prevCommandSelectWithArgs' <Shf Opt Kpad4> and
- 'nextCommandSelectWithArgs' <Shf Opt Kpad6> (see Bugs below).
- • In addition to the old navigation commands 'prevSection'
- <Cmd Kpad8>, 'nextSection' <Cmd Kpad2>, 'prevSubsection'
- <Kpad8>, and 'nextSubsection' <Kpad2>, there are four new commands
- 'prevSectionSelect' <Shf Cmd Kpad8>, 'nextSectionSelect'
- <Shf Cmd Kpad2>, 'prevSubsectionSelect' <Shf Kpad8>, and
- 'nextSubsectionSelect' <Shf Kpad2>. The latter make it easy to
- select large blocks of text (i.e., complete sections or subsections).
- • Fixed some minor bugs in the tab stop mechanism, including a
- bug in 'gotoTabStop' that caused it to find a tab stop immediately
- to the right of the cursor when searching backwards, and another in
- 'nthTabStop'. The latter now handles ANY input, including zero.
- • The following interactive procedures now validate the user's input:
- 'nthTabStop', 'enumerate', 'itemize', 'description', 'thebibliography',
- 'tabular', 'myArray', 'eqnarrayStar', 'eqnarray'. Invalid input
- simply causes the procedure to terminate.
- • Put 'insertLiteralTab' and 'insertTabStop' on the LaTeX Utilities
- submenu, if for no other reason but to advertise the key bindings.
- Note: The proc 'insertTabStop' is bound to <Opt 8> on US keyboards.
- • The 'filecontents' command on the Documents submenu finally works!
- • Removed 'loadSymbolPackage' from the LaTeX Utilities submenu
- because the symbol package (latexsym) can be loaded with the
- 'packages' command on the Documents submenu. The latter now checks
- to see if the chosen package is already loaded.
- • Merged 'item' and 'bibitem' on the Miscellaneous submenu into a
- single command: 'item' now inserts either \item, \item[], or \bibitem{}
- depending on the context, and is bound to <Ctl Opt J>.
- • Reorganized the Math Environments submenu for conceptual purposes.
- (The array environment, in particular, is different than the other
- environments since it MUST be used in math mode, whereas the others
- must NEVER be used in math mode).
- • The table environment now puts the caption at the top. (The
- figure environment still puts the caption at the bottom.)
- • Tom Pollard fixed 'TeXMarkFile' so that the "{}" pop-up menu is
- more readable.
- • Using Alpha's new command-double-click facility, Tom Pollard
- wrote a routine that chases references and citations. Simply
- command-double-click the required argument of a \ref or \cite
- (which are now underlined) to find the corresponding \label or
- \bibitem, respectively. It will even open a .bib file, if necessary.
- • Andreas Amann added \pageref, \input, \include, and \bibliography
- to the list of (underlined) commands whose required arguments can now
- be command-double-clicked.
- • Added \usepackage, \documentclass, \RequirePackage, and \LoadClass to
- the list of (underlined) LaTeX commands. Also, the required argument of
- the command specified in the TeX mode variable 'boxMacroName'
- (\includegraphics, by default) may also be command-double-clicked.
- • The user-defined variable 'boxMacroName' on the "check" pop-up menu
- is now dimmed if the flag 'useBoxMacro' is set to false.
- • Changed the name of the "Styles" command to "Options", and added
- the remaining standard options to the corresponding pop-up menu.
- • Renamed some of the commands on the Formulas submenu.
- • Totally reorganized the Arrows submenu. With the menu down,
- press any modifier key to see the double arrow commands.
- • Shortened the Greek submenu considerably. With the menu down,
- press any modifier key to see the upper-case Greek letters.
- • The Greek letters have a new set of key bindings. See the description
- of the new Greek submenu below.
- • Added 'removeAuxiliaryFiles' to the LaTeX Utilities submenu,
- which interactively removes all auxiliary files (.aux .bbl .dvi .glo
- .idx .ind .lof .log .lot .toc .blg .clg .ilg .ps) for the current
- document in the current directory.
- • Added 'deleteComments' to the LaTeX Utilities submenu.
- • Reorganized the Miscellaneous submenu.
- • Pete added a nifty keyboard-bound method of invoking any LaTeX menu
- command. It's called 'chooseCommand' (bound to <Opt Cmd T>) and it's
- on the LaTeX Utilities submenu.
- • Vince Darley wrote a handy utility called 'insertReference' on the
- LaTeX Utilities submenu that displays a list of labels defined in the
- current document. Choosing one of them inserts the corresponding \ref
- at the insertion point.
- Changes in Version 2.3
- • A handy install mechanism (designed and implemented by Tom Pollard)
- lets the user choose between the old LaTeX macros (aka LaTeX 2.09)
- and the current version (which is LaTeX 2e-compatible). Simply choose
- 'install:LaTeX' on the Utils menu to switch versions.
- • Totally redesigned the kernel so that the insertion of LaTeX
- environments and document templates is faster and less choppy.
- • The 'typeset' command is now bound to <Cmd T> (thanks, Pete!) and
- supports version 2.2 of CMacTeX (courtesy of its author, Tom Kiffe)
- as well as DirectTeX running under MPW (Alun Carr <ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie>
- provided the relevant code). Alpha now supports all known Macintosh
- TeX implementations!
- • A crude command completion mechanism has been implemented (see the
- section on "Command Completion" at the bottom of this document).
- • The navigation commands 'bibtex' and 'makeindex' are now on the
- Goto submenu (compliments of Tom Pollard).
- • Added \textnormal to the Text Style submenu. It has no corresponding
- command key, by default.
- • Added 'flushleft' and 'flushright' commands to the Environments
- submenu on either side of 'center'.
- • Added a new Utilities submenu. There's a procedure called 'clearTabStops'
- (bound to <Cmd Tab>) which removes all tab stops, and another proc called
- 'convertDollarSigns' which replaces all dollar signs with appropriate LaTeX
- syntax (see the "MathModes" section of this document). Both these commands
- act on the current document or the current selection (if there is one).
- Another command called 'loadSymbolPackage' carefully inserts the string
- "\usepackage{latexsym}" into the current document (see p.42 of the _LaTeX_
- book).
- • Added 'smallskip', 'medskip', and 'bigskip' to the Spacing submenu.
- • Modified 'filecontents' on the Documents submenu so that the user is
- presented with a standard file dialog for selecting the file to be
- prepended to the current document.
- • Fixed a bug in "latexKeys.tcl" (reported by Christian Konrad
- <Konrad@dax1.w7.ipp-garching.mpg.de>) that prevented Bib mode from
- initializing TeX mode.
- • Both the figure and table environments now have optional arguments.
- • Added the flag 'promptNoisily' to the "flags" pop-up menu.
- • Listed many of the corresponding command keys in the "LaTeX Help"
- file (i.e., this file).
- • Fixed a bug (reported by Jonathan Guyer <j-guyer@nwu.edu>) which
- caused some latex.tcl routines to inadvertently alter the search
- string (in the Find dialog). A recent Alpha enhancement made this
- bug fix possible.
- Changes in Version 2.2
- • Improved the messages throughout. (These can be read from the status
- bar at the bottom of your screen.)
- • Significantly enhanced the letter documentclass template.
- • The 'typeset' command (formerly called 'Latex') on the LaTeX menu not
- only switches to the appropriate LaTeX app (Textures and OzTeX are
- currently supported), but also TeXs the current document automatically,
- with a single keystroke. (Thanks to Tom Pollard for assistance.)
- • Interchanged the command keys assigned to 'eqnarray' and 'eqnarrayStar'
- so that they parallel those assigned to 'displaymath' and 'equation'.
- As a result, un-numbered equations begin with the <Shf Opt> modifier while
- numbered equations begin with <Ctl Opt>. Also, 'eqnarrayStar' comes before
- 'eqnarray' on the Math Environments submenu.
- • Changed the command keys for the 'slide', 'tabular', and 'thebibliography'
- environments. (These changes were needed to make way for new environments).
- See the files "latex_commands.tex" and "latex_keys.tex" for a complete list
- of command keys suitable for printing.
- • Changed "\documentstyle" to "\documentclass" in the document templates
- to conform with LaTeX 2e syntax. Added a generic "\usepackage" command to
- each of the templates.
- • Added the \appendix declaration to the Sectioning submenu.
- • Reorganized the Text Style menu according to LaTeX 2e conventions.
- Changed "{\em }" to "\emph{}", "{\it }" to "\textit{}" and "{\sl }"
- to "\textsl{}", and removed the italic correction on all three (which
- LaTeX 2e now handles automatically). Also changed "{\sc }" to "\textsc{}",
- "{\bf }" to "\textbf{}", "{\rm }" to "\textrm{}", "{\sf }" to "\textsf{}",
- and "{\tt }" to "\texttt{}". Added \underline (which works in any mode),
- as well as \textup and \textmd (the default shape and series,
- respectively). The latter two commands do not have assigned command
- keys, by default.
- • Added four new math styles to the Math Style submenu: "\mathrm",
- "\mathbf", "\mathsf", and "\mathtt". Changed the name of "\mit" to
- "\mathit" and "\cal" to "\mathcal". Relocated the Math Style submenu
- higher up on the LaTeX menu.
- • Added support for the new "slides" documentclass, and the associated
- environments "slide", "overlay", and "note".
- • Implemented the Functions submenu, a menu of 34 log-like functions.
- • Added omicron to the Greek submenu, for completeness.
- • Added many commands, too numerous to mention by name, to the Binary
- Operations, Relations, Arrows, Symbols, and Large Operators submenus.
- • Some LaTeX 2e symbols require the input of a special symbol package.
- In latex.tcl, before such a symbol is inserted into the text, a macro
- automatically checks to see if the required symbol package is loaded.
- If not, the user may opt to have the program install it automatically.
- • Added a Page Layout submenu and macros to insert a title page and
- abstract. There is also a 'maketitle' command which inserts a template
- into the current document and positions it automatically. (Note: The
- "titlepage" style is often used in conjunction with \maketitle. See the
- 'styles' command on the Documents submenu.) Other page layout commands
- have also been added.
- • Fine tuned the insertion macros so that input is less choppy.
- • Command names now mimic their LaTeX 2e counterparts as much as possible.
- • Streamlined the code underlying the Delimiters submenu.
- • Added a 'center' command to the Environments submenu.
- • By default, <Opt Cmd $> and <Shf Opt Cmd $> are respectively bound to
- 'latexMath' and 'latexDisplaymath' (previously, these keys were bound
- to 'texMath' and 'texDisplaymath'). Users wanting to use the old-style
- dollar signs to invoke math mode should set the flag 'useDollarSigns' to
- true.
- • TeX mode now recognizes the suffixes .ltx, .dtx and .ins, in addition
- to .tex and .sty. (Note that the suffixes are case sensitive, however.)
- • Restored the <Opt 8> keystroke to its default Macintosh setting
- (which necessitated moving \bullet to <Opt Cmd 8>). Thus <Opt 8>
- inserts a literal bullet into the .tex document. Bullets may be used
- in conjunction with the tab stop mechanism (<Tab> and <Shf Tab>), and
- are great for setting "bookmarks", for example.
- • The <Tab> and <Shf Tab> keys now beep if a tab stop is not found. This
- can be turned off by setting the 'searchNoisily' flag to false. (Note:
- Other search operations in latex.tcl also beep; the 'searchNoisily' flag
- applies to all of them simultaneously.)
- • Added a proc called 'nthTabStop' (bound to <Ctl Tab>) which generalizes
- the existing 'nextTabStop' and 'prevTabStop' routines by taking an
- arbitrary integer argument.
- • Added a new Goto submenu containing the various navigation commands
- mentioned above. Also included are commands for moving to and from the
- next and previous (sub)sections. (See the docs for the corresponding
- command keys.)
- • Added more than ten commands to the Boxes submenu, including \fbox,
- \sbox, \raisebox, \parbox, and \rule. There's also a new minipage
- environment.
- • Reorganized and enhanced the Spacing submenu with additional
- commands, the first half-dozen of which are listed in increasing order
- of "wideness". Adjusted the corresponding command keys (all of which
- are a modified spacebar) so that they more closely match the order of
- the menu items.
- • To facilitate file transfer, LaTeX 2e now has a 'filecontents'
- environment to contain the source of a LaTeX auxiliary file.
- This new environment is supported in latex.tcl 2.2 on the Documents
- submenu. Also on the Documents submenu are new commands for
- automatically inserting standard LaTeX 2e styles and packages.
- • Implemented the International submenu, including most of the symbols
- and half of the accents.
- • The \mathcal command on the Math Style submenu now checks to see that
- its argument is upper-case.
- • Broke the latex.tcl source code into four parts: latex.tcl,
- latexMode.tcl, latexMenu.tcl, and latexKeys.tcl.
- • Fixed 'wordBreak' and 'wordBreakPreface' (thanks Pete!) so that the
- leading backslash is now selected when double-clicking a LaTeX command.
- • The flags 'optionIsMeta' and 'useDollarSigns' (on the "flag" pop-up
- menu) are now dynamic in the sense that they may be changed at any time
- with immediate effect.
- • Environments which prompt the user for input (enumerate, itemize,
- description, thebibliography, tabular, array, eqnarray, and eqnarray*)
- now do so on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Changes in Version 2.0
- • The documentation (LaTeX Help and latex_commands.tex) has been totally
- rewritten.
- • A new, expanded LaTeX menu has been implemented, following closely the
- organization and terminology of the LaTeX book.
- • Ellipses have been added to LaTeX menu items where appropriate.
- • Macros intelligently respond to the current selection---although
- many objects simply replace the current selection (similar to Paste),
- others conveniently and automatically wrap themselves around it.
- Environments automatically wrap themselves around a selection, too.
- • Functionality has been localized in utility macros as much as possible.
- • Standard document types (letter, article, report, and book) have been
- added. Simply select some text (or not) before choosing the desired
- command from the Documents menu.
- • Three flags have been added to the Utils menu: 'useBoxMacro' (which
- controls the behavior of the figure environment), 'deleteObjectNoisily'
- (which controls an alert that appears when the current selection is
- about to be replaced by an object), and 'deleteEnvironmentNoisily'
- (which controls an alert that appears when the current selection is
- about to be replaced by an environment).
- • Many new environments have been added (figure, table, verbatim, quote,
- quotation, verse) and some (enumerate, itemize, description, tabular,
- bibliography, array, eqnarray, and eqnarray*) now prompt the user for
- the desired number of rows and, in some cases, columns. The environment
- body is then constructed automatically.
- • The figure environment now depends on a flag called 'useBoxMacro' on the
- Utils menu. If this flag is true (which it is by default), then the
- figure environment inserts the string "\\centerline{\\$boxMacroName{•}}"
- into its body. Otherwise, the body of the figure environment is left
- empty (unless there is a current selection, in which case the figure
- environment wraps).
- • A new, improved fraction macro now parses a selection of the form
- "numerator/denominator" and then automatically constructs the
- corresponding displayed fraction. A selection not containing a
- "/" is inserted in lieu of the fraction's numerator.
- • Both TeX and LaTeX math modes are supported, including $...$, $$...$$,
- \(...\), and \[...\]. These are inserted into the document horizontal-
- ly. The corresponding multi-line environments \begin{math}...\end{math}
- and \begin{displaymath}...\end{displaymath} are also supported and
- heartily recommended (since these constructs are more easily modified
- and maintained by the user).
- • There's now a two-parameter nth root, in addition to square root.
- • Arbitrary one- and two-parameter LaTeX commands have been implemented,
- namely, \<command>{•} and \<command>{•}{•}. These can be run inter-
- actively, or used as templates for user-defined commands.
- • In addition to sum and integral, numerous "large operators" (product,
- union, intersection, logical and/or) have been added.
- • The nonumber command has been removed since it only appears in the
- context of an eqnarray environment.
- • Both the Conjugate and Expected Value commands have been removed since
- in my (perhaps limited) experience these are nonstandard mathematical
- notation.
- • Sectioning commands no longer insert a trailing carriage return.
- • The Sum and Integral commands no longer typeset the current selection
- as the lower limit of the sum or integral.
- • The command texDisplayEqn is no longer supported. Instead, the commands
- MathModes:texDisplaymath and MathModes:latexDisplaymath insert
- themselves horizontally into the .tex file. For vertical source code
- formatting, use MathEnvironments:Displaymath.
- • Extraneous comments preceding each environment have been removed.
- • The command alignEqual has been removed since the separator is now
- inserted automatically into the appropriate environments.
- Changes in Version 1.2
- • macros shortened through use of movePoint and selReplace utility macros.
- • new macros added: section, subsection, subsubsection, enumerate,
- itemize
- • most short macros handle selected text (i.e. highlight "word", execute
- the boldface command, and you get "{\bf word}"). NOTE: this is
- OPTIONAL--you can still execute boldface, type "word", and type tab.
- • latex key bindings only performed the first time Tex mode is entered,
- to save time
- • emphasize macro updated
- Changes in Version 1.1
- • non-breaking space removed from cite macro
- • slide environment macro added and assigned to o-F9 and c-o-9
- • equation, displaymath, eqnarray, eqnarray*, slide, and general environment
- now indent and no longer insert a blank line if called from column 0.
- • texDisplayEqn ($$...$$) added and bound to o-s-4